The Seven Levels of Creation

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

In the beginning the Source created the Earth. This was the first level of Creation.

When the Source granted souls to mankind the Divine created three more levels of Creation over which God had dominion:

The Citadel. This is the highest point of Heaven where the Choirs of Angels and the Throne of God dwell.

The Void. All souls pass into the Void to await Judgement and to be reborn as they continue on the Path until true enlightenment is achieved and they can return to the Source. The Void is guarded by Rashnu, the Angel of Judgement.

The Pit. Also called Hell, Hades and Tartarus by humankind, it is a dark region where unrepentant souls must stay for 1000 yrs until they are ready to be reborn and follow the Path. The Pit is also an eternal prison for those angels and Daemos captured during the Fall or in the Endless War. Ruled by the dark being Malik and his al-Zabaniya, Asmodel, Ambriel, Muriel and Hamaliel.

After the Fall the Elohim Ezrael created three more levels in which to contain the cast out Angels and Daemos:

The Verge in which to contain the DownCast and Daemos who did not escape to Earth after the First War. It is a desolate, blood stained battle ground where the Forgotten are trapped between Heaven and Earth and where the Endless War rages.

The Threshold is a place of absolute nothingness created as a barrier between the Verge and the Gate. There is no time, direction, sight or sound, no substance within the Threshold. It is the border through which all souls and angels pass.

The In Between. This is a place that is set beyond space and time into which only the First Creations and the Elohim may enter. No harm can befall any creation within this place. These are the Seven Levels of Creation

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved….

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