ShadowGate Update


In the land of the ShadowGate the words just keep churning out. “Angel’s Gate” is heading to the final polish and book 2, “Guardian Angel” is going fast!  I believe I mentioned I’d started the 2nd book a few entries back, and it’s going smoothly.  I’ve a feeling by the time I’m done with the rewrite of “Angel’s Gate”, “Guardian Angel” will be done and ready for its rewrite.  Pretty cool 🙂

The world of the ShadowGate is really expanding in book 2, I’m getting to learn a lot about the Angels, Daemos and Shade. I’ve also been introduced to a wonderful cast of all new characters, as well as gotten reacquainted with familiar ones.  Gideon from “Angel’s Gate” is back taking center stage. Some more old friends also make an appearance, but it’s the newbies that have me really tickled pink!

In this book we get a full look into heaven, meeting Talis and Vision, the leaders of the Choirs of angels. The Elohim, an ancient, and mortal race of godlike beings, are introduced through the disruptive Shamshiel, who likes to interfere with the earthly realm. An all new villain raises his head, the oily Master and his unfortunate Daemos slave, Shatter.

The most surprising new arrival of the tale is Lucifer. He completely took me by surprise and I’m a little embarrassed to say, I absolutely fell in love with this mercurial, playboy. (I admit it, he’s one sexy bastard that would make even a devout goody two shoes contemplate sinning). Needless to say, I’m having a blast and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Write soon,


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