Profile: Mordecai

Image by ArtTower from Pixabay

Name: Mordecai

Species: Pure/Power

Age: looks 29

Weight: 250 lbs.

Height: 6’4

Hair: black, thick, tousled, slightly wavy

Eyes: black brown eyes

Description: warrior build, broad shoulders, wicked black wings that are scarred and those scars are marked with white feathers, some what tattered wings, powerful, large frame. Harsh handsome face. Dark and deadly warrior.

“His wings were armored along the upper ridges, covered in the light, impenetrable armor of heaven, but the main expanse of them was still exposed to fang and claw, the tips were tattered and scattered among the feathers, replacing those lost in battle, he had threaded sharp blades made of hammered star light.”

Gadreel, the Watcher of War held him tight in her embrace.  He was under her power, her lust for death a disease that touched upon souls she found favor in.  Human, angel, or demon, if they caught her eye, she marked them with her own thirst for war and chaos.  Mordecai had been so marked, long ago, during the First War. Since that day when his rage grew hot, the Watcher took claim of him.  He would fight and kill until she was replete.  It was the curse he had been given by being so savage, by being a warrior without peer.


  • He is very protective of AG, wants to protect her, care for her, cherish her, would do anything for her.
  • Very stubborn.
  • Smells like dark spice.
  • His taste is heat potent and rich.
  • Headstrong, determined, fierce, decisive, loyal, dedicated.
  • A Power, a Dark Guardian, Guardian of the Gate.
  • He is an elite warrior among the war. After the Fall he has been pitted against the Forgotten in an Endless War, protecting the earth from those who would escape the desolation of the Verge. Stained with millennia of blood and Darkness he longs to return to the Light.
  • Has no concept of money, personal property or personal space
  • loves Coca-Cola
  • Loves food, eyes light up when he sees it. Eats a ton.
  • Has a soft spot for animals.
  • He is a Klepto. He has no qualms about stealing as he has no concept of stealing and personal property.  If he wants and needs something he’ll take it. AG explained that he needed money but to him it’s a stupid human construct so he doesn’t bother with it.   

Meet Mordecai along with other Pure angel’s in “Angel’s Gate” Coming Soon.

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