Chapter Seven – Memory Lane

Hello peoples,

This chapter found AG coming to terms with her past and trying to understand her mom.  It took me about a week to finish, but that’s a much better pace than chapter six!

“Her memories of that place and of those times were bitter sweet.  She had believed with full heart and full honesty.  She had never doubted or questioned even when she had been mocked for her beliefs.  None of the other children had believed what she did.  None of them believed that the angels were real, and they laughed at her when she said they were.   When she had been little it hadn’t mattered because she had believed her mother, and believed no matter.  But that didn’t survive adolescence, when childhood faith gave way before the realization that her mother was wrong.  Faith couldn’t stand against the reality she awakened to.” Excerpt Chapter Six Angel’s Gate

AG also takes us into her relationship with her fiance a little more.  Her feelings for Douglas are questioned and she isn’t sure what she feels anymore.

Well, on to Chapter Eight!

As always,

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