Chapter Fourteen – Kissed by an Angel

AG had been kissed before, but never like that.

“…She hadn’t moved. 

Literally had not moved since Mordecai had melted her brain with a kiss and vanished.  She wasn’t really sure she could because she really couldn’t feel her feet.  The only thing that she could feel was the residue of that kiss.  Kiss… She’d been kissed by a freaking angel!  Was she ever going to get her mind wrapped around that?  But it wasn’t the fact that he was an angel that had her ears still ringing and her brain all fuzzy like she’d had too many glasses of really, REALLY good champagne.   Her whole body was still tingling from the after affects and she was pretty damn sure if his kiss could be bottled she’d stay drunk all day.

She didn’t know how long she’d been standing outside the kitchen like she’d been shell shocked, but the grand father clock in the foyer started chiming and helped rouse her out of her daze.  She looked around slowly at the shadows that had filled up the house and could do nothing but shake her head. 

“Seriously?”  She asked herself.  “You act like you’ve never been kissed before.”

She hadn’t, not like that. She doubted anyone in the history of earth had been kissed like that.  If they had there’d be a hell of a lot more Nephilim running around. 

She was surprised she could walk straight as she finally walked into the kitchen.  She still felt tipsy, could still feel his power coursing through her veins like electricity.  She wondered if he felt the same, if she had affected him on the same profound level.

     She opened the fridge and then just stood there staring at its contents without seeing.  She hated that he was all she could think about, like she was some lovelorn teenager, mooning over her first kiss. She should have been more sophisticated than this.  It WAS just a kiss. 

     “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that sister.”  She muttered under her breath as she finally reached into the fridge and pulled out a fruit yogurt, deciding it probably wasn’t wise in her state of mind to use a stove.  With her luck she’d burn down the house while day dreaming about Mordecai…” Angel’s Gate by L. Becker

Until next chapter!


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