Chapter Eleven – Awkward Family Reunion

Hello everyone out there in the big wide world,

I know it’s been a while since I posted, but I assure you I have valid reasons, like….life and stuff.  But then don’t we all.  Still, I’ve neglected this tale and it’s time I got back to the most important thing:  Telling you what happens next!

That being said, Chapter Eleven is finally in the bag and I can say it was a good one.  An unexpected run in with her father confirms AG’s darkest fears that there is no escaping this reality that has become her own. She might night be able to escape, but she’s ready to make some changes and get some control:

“….AG didn’t wake up a new woman. she didn’t wake up changed in any way, but she did wake up resolved. She was over being a victim, over letting everyone have a say over her life without consulting her. They were herding her into a Role she wasn’t sure she wanted to accept.

Ignorance was to blame and she took full responsibility, She’d done nothing but react since the morning she’d learned of her mother’s death. She’d been so consumed by guilt and grief, so overwhelmed by all that was happening she’d given up her power, her control on her life. Right now she might have been trapped and unable to leave, but that would not last. There was always a way out, always a way.

If knowledge was power it was time she got some….” – Angel’s Gate Chapter 11

I think we can all remember a moment when we’ve faced life and said, I’ve had enough, this was AG’s moment and I’m excited to see what she does about it.

Well, until next time (Hopefully a much sooner next time!) I’m off!

Talk soon,


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