Chapter Eight – AG learns her fate

Hi All,

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated, but I assure you I’ve been writing!  I’ve completed Chapter Eight and am well into Chapter Nine, so thought it was time to drop a new post.  In this Chapter AG was introduced to the Archangel Elijah, the angel in charge of the Guardians on earth.

“…Father O’Hare caught the direction of her gaze, and still holding her hand in his, turned so that they both faced the other man.  ‘AG, this is Elijah, he is an -‘

‘An angel?’  It was a guess, but she suspected that he was the Elijah she had heard the other angels tell Gideon wanted to meet her. 

‘Uh, yes.  He is.’  Patrick said.  ‘How did you…?’

‘A guess?  To tell you the truth I’m starting to suspect everyone is.’  She laughed, but it wasn’t really humor.  It was the nervous kind of laughter that she used to mask how she was feeling.  The angel just looked at her and she wasn’t sure what to do.  Did she offer to shake hands or what?  What was proper angel etiquette?…” Chapter Eight, Angel’s Gate

At first she was a little nervous around him, scared what she was going to learn, not sure what the angels wanted from her.  But as they spoke she began to feel strangely peaceful and complacent.  It was then she realized that he was using his angelic powers to make her complacent, to manipulate her.  AG, being AG, shut that down pretty quick.  She is beginning to suspect that they plan for her to remain forever in Shelter Cove like her mother did, that she will be unable to escape and have a life that she wants, a life of choice.  It appears these angels will do what they can to have her choose their side, no matter what her human freewill wants, or what her bloodline might push her towards.

Well, that’s it for now, I’ll post soon as Chapter Nine is done and I’m on to Chapter ten, until next time!


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