Chapter Six – The Wake

Hey all,

Not too bad of a schedule, one month for a chapter, not super fast, but at least I’m making headway.

This was a hard chapter, AG made it through the funeral and has been coming to grips with the fact that she is an orphan and truly alone in the world.  Taking AG through this made me face some of my own memories of losing my parents, and believe me, it can be an emotional ride when you’re pulling those memories out to use for inspiration.  There’s no getting back those you love once they’re gone and through this chapter AG is coming to terms with that.

In this chapter we also get to know Mordecai a little more, how he feels about earth and what he thinks of Candied Apples.

“AG stood alone in her mother’s kitchen, the voices of the guests drifting in through the door that remained open to the rest of the house.  Around her the counters were covered with the remains of the food that had been supplied, as though food could fill the void that death created.  She looked into the sink, the dishes piled in it, they would need to be rinsed, she thought.  The cracks inside of her seemed to spread, but her eyes remained dry though a small part of her seemed to curl up like a small, lost child and sob.  Behind the ice the pain waited, the grief trembled.” – Excerpt Chapter Six Angel’s Gate

I think it’s a pretty good, solid chapter and the rewrite is going at a good pace.

Until next time,



Chapter Five – FINALLY!!

Lord, this one took forever!  Or so it seemed, but I finished it today and I am very happy with how it turned out.  The story is going really well, I’m finally done writing completely original work and now being able to use the original first draft.  They are merging nicely.

This chapter was fun, got to know Mordecai a little more, had a deeper look into AG’s past and present.

“It was like a whisper against the back of his neck, a breath of cold air that sent a shiver down his spine.  He could feel it, the burgeoning powers of the Nephilim coming to life.   It rippled in the air, a delicious hum.  She was there, so close, and yet the old charms still protected her from his gaze.  For now…..

Soon the power of the blood spell would diminish, its creator lay dead awaiting burial.  All her magic, all her charms and protections lost, useless now to protect the child he had helped create.” – Excerpt Chapter Five – Angel’s Gate

Over all I’m proud of this chapter and I like this new momentum I finally got  going.  It’s been a rough few chapters but it’s finally going at a good pace.

Until next time,


Chapter Four

Chapter four is finally done!

I hate to admit it, but this rewrite is taking me a little longer than I’d like.  I’ve been having a little trouble getting myself into my hero’s head.  I know him, I mean, I wrote the first draft of him, but for a few weeks now he’s been eluding me.

Getting the essence of Mordecai should be easy, I mean he’s a simple guy.  He’s a very direct angel.  Good is good, evil is evil.  He’s got a job to do and nothing going to stop him.  And that’s the problem.  He IS a simple guy.  He’s got a purpose and he’s not beating himself up about his job or his place in the universe.  So it’s hard to explain how inside of him, underneath duty and the reason he was made, is a small sorrow because he’s forever kept from his home.  A little sadness inside because there’s no going back to what once was.

And I think that’s what was so hard for me to get into his head, because for a while I thought AG was the only one going through this.  That she was the only one who felt that her life was being taken away.  But Mordecai’s already lost his past life, he’s on the other side, not going into the loss, but living in the loss.  And that’s where I was having the struggle, to understand where he was.

And he’s not the most loquacious dude, I mean, he’s not long on words, so getting him to show me what he was feeling has been like pulling teeth.  But I think I’m finally getting there.

“An angel with dark eyes watched the waiting horde of Forgotten, sweat and blood mingling as they ran down his face.  A dark warrior, with dark eyes and bloodied wings, he stood ready to lead, ready to die. His hair was black like his wings, tousled and spiked with blood and sweat.  His armor was bloodied as well, even the small linked plates that encased the base of his wings and their curving edges was stained.  Dark and rusty, old blood, his blood.

Mordecai moved through the ranks, watching, listening, waiting as he, like all his brethren, stood waiting for the war they all knew would come.  A war that would rage until the power of the Key was passed and the Gate renewed or until the last Power fell and the Forgotten gained their freedom at last.  It was an endless cycle, a continuous pattern that made up existence in that long abandoned place.  A Key would fall, another would be born and in the passing of the power the Forgotten would fight for their escape.” – Excerpt Chapter Four – Angel’s Gate

And FINALLY Chapter Four is done and we’re moving into Chapter Five.  Time to throw in a little violence, some hand to hand combat just to spice things up.

Well, until next time,


Update from behind the Keyboard


I’ve been working like mad on the rewrite of “Angel’s Gate”, and I would love to say it’s going awesome.  It’s not going bad, but right now each sentence is like pulling teeth.  But that’s not what I really want to talk about.  It has been the main focus of my life right now, it’s supposed to be the main focus of my life, but then bam! just as I was falling asleep one night my brain popped out with the whole beginning of Book 2 in the ShadowGate series, “Guardian Angel”.

During “Angel’s Gate” I fell in love with the Guardian, Gideon. How could I not? This gorgeous blue-eyed angel loves Froot Loops and where sweets are concerned he’s a hummingbird! The boy has one hell of a sweet tooth. He’s also just a true sweetheart with a heart of gold.

I knew while writing the original draft of “Angel’s Gate” I’d eventually tell Gideon’s story, but it was in a distant, vague, shadowy kind of way. Then of course the whole world of the ShadowGate grabbed me by the throat and I knew I’d be telling his story really soon. I HAD thought it would be once “Angel’s Gate” was done with the rewrite. Wrong! Gideon just had to have his turn in the spotlight.

So, I wrote the first chapter in eight hours and have been going steady ever since. I average about 10 pages a day, so if I keep up this pace Gideon’s tale will be done in no time at all.  Maybe even before I’m done with “Angel’s Gate”‘s final polish.

Well, I’ll keep you posted!


Say hello to AG

Hi Folks,

I thought it was about time you met our heroine AG, or rather Agatha Grace Morris. (She really, really, really, really hates Agatha Grace). AG is inspired in many ways from my own past. Like her I was raised in a zealously devout family, by a mother who was adamant about her belief in God. Like AG I loved God, but I didn’t necessarily believe in the one my mom did. I couldn’t make myself agree with a God who could condemn babies for sins they never committed. (Don’t worry I’m not going to go on a religious tangent here. Just trying to help you understand AG.) Still, I did believe. But my mom’s faith was rigid and very controlling like a prison. It was the same for AG when she was growing up.

She was raised in fear of demons and dark angels, of sin and absolution. Her mother kept a tight control on her and in the end it forced her to escape. The moment she was old enough she escaped and planned to never go back. She thought she was finally free of the angels and the demons. Thought they were only her mother’s mad delusions. She was wrong. They were real and they have plans for her. She has a destiny she doesn’t want, a fate she can’t escape.

Now she’s pulled back into the one place she never wanted to return, meeting angels, fighting her personal demons and struggling to accept her purpose in life.

Thankfully I threw the poor girl a bone and gave her the dark and sexy angel Mordecai to love. Let’s just see what she does with him shall we?

Until next time,


Meet Gideon


So, I was thinking about what I’ve told you about Mordecai, which led me to think about another of the angels that works at the Sanctuary. Gideon, is a Guardian Angel who was sent to Earth long ago to protect mankind. Like Mordecai his only purpose is to serve. But he is still a prisoner lacking free will. He stands on the other side of the Gate from Mordecai, a fully light Angel, but he is still as much of a prisoner to his duty as Mordecai is.

He’s spent millennia on earth, watching his charges be born and die. He can’t help but love each one, can’t help but feel pride in their successes, abject grief in their deaths. He can only watch them though, never touch them, never speak to them and he is very alone. Then he meets Anna, mother to A G, the heroine of “Angel’s Gate”. For the first time in a long time he can be seen, he can for a time almost be human. He gets to be her companion, gets to be there to watch her daughter grow, he gets to fall in love with her, but in the end, like always, he gets to see her die. Something in him breaks and he questions his duty, his purpose. He knows he will never fall, but he no longer can find joy in his purpose.

Gideon was supposed to be just a minor character when I began to write “Angel’s Gate”, but this heartbroken Angel made me simply fall love. By the end of the story I just knew he needed his own book. So, he’s definitely getting one 🙂

I can’t wait for you to meet Gideon. Talk soon,


The ShadowGate Series by L Becker

Chapter Two

Hi to all of you in the Shadow Kingdom!

The re-write on ‘Angel’s Gate’ is going good.  A little slow, mainly due to the fact that I’ve been a tad lazy.  Netflix has got to be the enemy of productivity.  At least in this writer’s life.  But, I finally chained myself back to my desk chair and punched out another chapter.  So Chapter 2 is done and heading into Chapter 3.

I’m having fun reintroducing myself to this book and these characters.  Yes I spent months with them in the original draft, but it’s a much deeper relationship this time around.  I now know them and am able to bring out more depth and nuances to their characters.  I’m also adding some new scenes to give us a greater understanding of our female protagonist.

The plane landed with a light bounce against the runway. AG could hear the faint screech of rubber as tires met asphalt and then she felt herself dipped forward as the brakes came into play.  A familiar combination of sensations, familiar from years of air travel, but never had she felt them at this airfield.  She’d never flown into Albany International.  She’d only flown out of it.  Ten years ago when she’d left home.  She’d boarded a plane and headed west.  Out to California, to the state that she’d made her home.  She’d never flown home.  Not in all that time.  Never flown home… until now.

She remained still as the plane taxied toward the terminal, as others around her began to stir.  Laptops were closed and stowed.  People awakened from the awkward doze of the experienced air traveler.  Ahead of her, past the wing, a little girl’s voice lifted in an unhappy whine.  She didn’t move, let the passengers on either side of her shift and grab for hand bags and carry-ons.  But her thoughts were not on them, or those moments.  Her thoughts were elsewhere.  Thinking back to a dream.  The dream she’d had only hours before she’d learned of her mother’s death.  A dream she’d woken from in tears.” – Excerpt Chapter Two – Angel’s Gate

All in all I’m enjoying the work, when I can drag myself away from Netflix!

Well, until next time,

Talk soon,


Hi from the ShadowGate!

A few years back I wrote “Fallen Angel”, a short story, which introduced me to the hidden world of angels, demons and Nephlim. But with life and business and anything everything else I didn’t really follow up on the idea. It was always there. and then it happened.  I had a few months completely on technology blackout and then that back burner suddenly kicked into high gear and the ShadowGate was born.

Those were the best months for writing!  Amazing what can be accomplished with no computer, no internet etc.  Now, to be clear I am NOT going sans tech for that long ever again, but I’ll certainly go a week every once in a while just to get the cobwebs clear. A week of writing boot camp!

Talk soon,


The Rewrite is On!


Some months ago I finished “Angel’s Gate”, unknowingly beginning my new series the ShadowGate. The question of free will, of being tainted and stained by duty introduced me to Mordecai. His sole purpose is to defend the Earth from the Daemos and DownCast who wish to escape the Verge to Earth. His duty has left him stained in blood and death, with each stroke of his sword taking him further and further from the God he was created to serve. Now he’s balancing on the thin edge of becoming one of the Downcast. This man – Angel – really called to me and I just had to tell his story.

I hope you fall in love with Mordecai like I did. Keep your eyes open for “Angel’s Gate”, the rewrite/polish is in full swing. Keep you posted!


Welcome to the ShadowGate!


I’m very excited about my new series the ShadowGate.  It’s about the hidden world of demons and angels. I’ve been playing around with this idea for years, ever since I wrote the short story “Fallen Angel.” (Download a Free Copy). The idea of creatures created solely to serve without choice, without free will has always fascinated me. It’s a type of prison isn’t it? To never be able to think for yourself.

That’s how this all began. A single question: why should Lucifer be damned for wanting free will? For demanding his freedom? Nothing is ever simply black-and-white. I mean God created Lucifer, and must have known it was within him to question, to rebel. How cruel is it to make a creation destined to be damned? The rest of the idea just kind of flowed from there and along came the ShadowGate Series.

I hope you enjoy each story and fall in love with these characters as I have. Until next time,
