The World of the ShadowGate – The Others

Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay

Others, The – Creations of the Unnamed. The Angels and Daemos have forgotten the Goddess because of God’s influence, but they have not forgotten the creatures she created to destroy God’s precious humans. These Others include Were creatures, Fey, Dragons, etc. It was to defend humans against them that the Powers, the first of the Choirs was ever created. The Others serve a goddess that the angels consider a myth. The others were not Gods creations so he couldn’t wipe their memories of the Goddess like he could the angels and demons. The others remember and many still serve her.

The first were-creature was a shape-shifting elemental/spirit who was basically very horny and had sex with everything. The offspring became the were-creatures. So you have were-almost everything. Some of the lines like were-chickens didn’t survive for obvious evolutionary reasons and only a few branches of were-creatures still exist to this day. So there are were-drakes which are were-dragons and drake/drakes which are full dragons who can’t shift. Were-creatures in this universe can shift at will which is physically very draining and requires copious amounts of food and rest afterwards. During the full moon however the shift is involuntary and they become their animal selves for three days. All were creatures – werewolves included – can shift at will during the normal month, but the full moon is an involuntary shift to animal state for three days in honor of the Unnamed Goddess who they serve.

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved…

Starting the Year Write!

2020 is starting off WRITE! Pardon the corny pun, I really couldn’t help myself. Besides, as corny as it is, that’s how it feels for me. I was writing as the year clicked over because I WANTED to start this year ‘Write’. I wanted to begin this year putting my writing first. I’ve spent so many years putting everything else first, work, relationships, STRESS. For so long I’ve kept this part of me in a small Tupperware in the back of my ‘Life Fridge’, pulling it out when I had a free moment. Most of my writing has been done on lunch breaks, or worse in those few short minutes before bed when the world and my own self are quiet enough to think. For so many years I was conditioned to treat it like a hobby, and nothing is inherently wrong with that, EXCEPT, for me writing is EVERYTHING. When I can’t write I feel like I’m suffocating yet most of my life I’ve written in guilty snatches of time. It wasn’t always that way, at the beginning of my writing journey, the 15 year old me who’d scratched out her first novel in a bright yellow binder was SO certain writing was going to be her world. It consumed every free moment and I KNEW I was going to be a writing and live this awesome life creating and bringing my imagination into reality. Then life happened. Or rather my mother and I got my first real hard look at how mental illness can destroy every life it touches. She burned everything, my first two books, all my poetry, every idea I had ever come up with. She BURNED everything. I don’t say this figuratively, I mean LITERALLY. And worst of all, she made ME do it. I had to be the one to put everything, that first precious novel into the fire and set a match to it. It HURT so bad. A part of me died a little. Sounds very melodramatic to say, but it was a first death, the death of my innocence and childhood and within months of that I lost my parents. I was seventeen. For a long time after that my writing was pushed back into a corner, oh I still wrote, like I said, I can’t breathe unless I’m writing, but it lost its place in my life as I tried to rebuild. Over the next few years it came back and I wrote another novel, the first since the BURNING TIMES (as I will forever refer to that literary conflagration). I wrote it in eleven months only on lunch breaks and little stolen moments because my husband (Yes I married VERY young, only a few months after turning 18) felt it was a waste of time and I should be focused on him and the ‘Real’ world. But, I wrote it and I published it my first time out. And that small success became a painful wedge between us. Instead of pushing me to pursue a career and market and make something of this amazing achievement, he became angry and resentful. I wonder how much worse it would have been had I made a lot of money with that first one?

Life continued to intrude after that, coming in the guise of a divorce by twenty two and a full on battle with Bi-Polar that I’ve finally settled in a comfortable treaty. It won’t win, but it won’t go away either. More LIFE, more things pushing to the front and I kept pushing my writing back. I still wrote, I still created worlds but I lost hope that it would be my future and my calling. So MANY things happened and in the center of the WORST of it, I rediscovered my writing. And now, I’m forty (Loving it by the way!) and I’m taking control. I’m finally putting my writing first, because I’m old enough to know I can. I’m the one in control of my life, the good, the bad and if I want something I need to be the one to make it happen.

So, with that said I’m starting 2020 WRITE and it’s been going GREAT! So much so that I finished the book I was working on, Angel Child, which is the 3rd book of the ShadowGate Series. I wrapped that baby up on January 11, 2020 and now I’m working to find my next book love affair. Usually takes me about 3 months to find ‘The One’ so we’ll see. Possibly book 4 of the series, Sanctuary, or a story I started in 2016 that I never finished (I’ve got lots of started stories waiting to be finished). Whichever book is waiting for me, it’s going to be great, because this year it’s ALL about writing!

Until next time,


The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved…

The Elohim – Watchers of the World

Image by Lars_Nissen_Photoart from Pixabay

Also known as the Dread Lords of the Shadows, the Watchers, the Lords of Outer Space, the Mighty Ones. These ageless, timeless, immortal beings are the direct conduit of the Source. They are all powerful servants of the Divine, tasked to watch over the Realms. They have been spoken of in ancient myths and religions since the dawn of time. In the Hebrew Bible they are known as the Elohim, the sons of God. “They were the mighty ones of Eternity, the people of Shem.” – (Genesis 6:4 & 6:22). They are the direct conduits to the Source and they oversee the entirety of the Universe. They are almost all powerful and guard the portals to other realms while enforcing the Tennents.

Rarely do they concern themselves with the fate of man, though throughout history one or more have chosen to walk the earth in human skin. In mortal form they appear as young and beautiful men and women in their early 20’s. Elohim have no known beginning or end. They do not age and can only be killed by the Source. When an Elohim dies their energy returns to the Source. Not gone, but no longer their own individual being.

They can be bound and turned mortal by the Spiral Spell. The spell leaves a spiral scar over the heart. Or they can be Caged, but only if all the Elohim work together to Cage one of their own. Their blood is like molten gold – like the gods in ancient Greek mythology

Elohim have no single leader but work as a group, though they do at times acquiesce to a specific leader, like they did to Ezrael.

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The Seven Levels of Creation

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

In the beginning the Source created the Earth. This was the first level of Creation.

When the Source granted souls to mankind the Divine created three more levels of Creation over which God had dominion:

The Citadel. This is the highest point of Heaven where the Choirs of Angels and the Throne of God dwell.

The Void. All souls pass into the Void to await Judgement and to be reborn as they continue on the Path until true enlightenment is achieved and they can return to the Source. The Void is guarded by Rashnu, the Angel of Judgement.

The Pit. Also called Hell, Hades and Tartarus by humankind, it is a dark region where unrepentant souls must stay for 1000 yrs until they are ready to be reborn and follow the Path. The Pit is also an eternal prison for those angels and Daemos captured during the Fall or in the Endless War. Ruled by the dark being Malik and his al-Zabaniya, Asmodel, Ambriel, Muriel and Hamaliel.

After the Fall the Elohim Ezrael created three more levels in which to contain the cast out Angels and Daemos:

The Verge in which to contain the DownCast and Daemos who did not escape to Earth after the First War. It is a desolate, blood stained battle ground where the Forgotten are trapped between Heaven and Earth and where the Endless War rages.

The Threshold is a place of absolute nothingness created as a barrier between the Verge and the Gate. There is no time, direction, sight or sound, no substance within the Threshold. It is the border through which all souls and angels pass.

The In Between. This is a place that is set beyond space and time into which only the First Creations and the Elohim may enter. No harm can befall any creation within this place. These are the Seven Levels of Creation

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The Choirs of Angels

There are 9 levels of Heavenly hosts. The Choirs in descending order:

The 1st and highest order of Angels is the Seraphim. Angel of love, of Light and of Fire, there is only one, the very first of all Angels, Talis, the Morning Star.

The 2nd Choir are the Cherubim, Guardians of the Fixed Stars, Keepers of the Celestial Records, Bestowers of Knowledge. Before the Fall Lucifer was the highest of the order.

The 3rd Choir are the Thrones. They represent God’s Justice to humanity. They are led by Vision, who is 2nd in command over all of Heaven.

The 4th Choir Dominions, regulate the angelic duties, they are led by the angel Hasmal.

5th Choir Virtues. These divine beings work the miracles on Earth. They are the bestowers of Grace and Valor. They work closely with the Guardians.

The 6th Choir of angels are the Powers. A warrior class of angels, also known as Dark Guardians, they are not DownCast but are unclean after millennia of bloodshed and war and are unable to enter the Citadel. They remain in the Verge fighting the Endless War. According to St. Paul they are evil and not of the Light. That they are no better than the Shade. He is wrong, without him Earth would have been lost long ago.

7th Choir the Principalities, are the protectors of religion and they serve at the feet of Metatron.

8th Choir are the Archangels, who oversee the duties of the Guardians on Earth.

9th Choir the Guardian Angels are earthbound angels who were sent to serve humanity and protect them from the DownCast and Daemos.

All but two of the Choirs, the Powers who do battle in the Verge and the Guardians who serve on Earth, dwell in the Citadel.

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved…

Profile – Ethan/Elijah

Species: Archangel/Shade formerly a Virtue

Height: 6’2

Hair: Dark brown, wavy

Eyes: Dark, honey brown, warm and kind

Description: Tall, fuller lips, strong lean face, handsome

“He was tall, about Gideon’s height, but slender, with an air of command and an aloofness that told her he was important.” – Angel’s Gate

“She knew him then, this faceless man who spoke to her. She knew him, by his voice and by his words. This was her father, the DownCast angel Ethan. She turned slowly and she could see him. He wasn’t light and fair like Gideon, he didn’t have the blonde hair and blue eyes so many imagined when they thought of angels. She didn’t know what she had expected to see, maybe horns, maybe some dark stereotype of a villain. She hadn’t expected to see so much of herself in him. Her height came from him, the dusky gold tone of her skin. She had his lips, though fuller, more feminine. She saw herself in him and she wasn’t sure how that made her feel.

He was handsome and she saw how her mother could have been attracted to him. The eyes were a deep, honey brown, warm and kind, his voice deep, soothing. His hair was as dark as her own, waving back from a strong, lean face. He wasn’t a monster, he wasn’t a demon. She just saw a man. A man a part of her longed desperately to love.” – Angel’s Gate

“His smile was quick, his eyes a very light green.” – Angel’s Gate


  • an Archangel
  • a Shade
  • Deep and soothing voice

Enter the ShadowGate and be saved….

World of the ShadowGate – The First War

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

When Lucifer demanded free will and refused to bow down to man God ordered Lucifer’s twin, Talis, to destroy Lucifer and his followers. The War between the angels last 200 yrs and 330,000 angels were killed. The Daemos, who did not rebel against God were ordered exterminated by their Creator. Over 20,000 died. In the end Talis and his army of obedient angels triumphed and Lucifer and his followers, as well as the remaining Daemos, were cast out of Heaven.

At the end of the 200 years God had Talis cast the remaining DownCast and Daemos out of Heaven and they fell to Earth. The remaining Pure stayed in Heaven to serve God and to battle the Daemos and DownCast who were trapped in the Verge when the Eolhim Ezrael created the Gate. One Choir of Pure, the Guardian Angels, were sent to Earth at God’s command to protect his humans from the DownCast and the Daemos now imprisoned there.

During the First War God specifically made even more Powers to fight. These are considered YOUNG Powers unlike the Older/Original Powers like Paladin, Sandalphon, Nomad and Mordecai. Cerviel is a Young Power.

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How the ShadowGate was Born

Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay

The other day I was asked if I had always liked Angels. It’s a valid question considering I’m working on book three in a series about mostly angels, demons, heaven, God and questions of faith and duty. My response was no, that I like Angels, but they weren’t something that has always appealed to me. In fact the ShadowGate series didn’t come about because of angels, at least not completely. Its creation in its current form can actually be attributed to demons. But even that is not the full beginning. I guess I should, for posterity, explain where this all started.

Once upon a time, in what feels like a lifetime ago, I was a 22 year old married woman. There was this song by Alan Jackson (When Somebody Loves you) that really struck me. It was all about true love, not just between a man and woman, but what happens when someone loves. Somehow it struck something inside of me. I wrote a story that showed the depth of love, being lost and then redeemed by that love. What came from that was a short story about an angel named Gideon who obeyed without question and was betrayed by another angel who was jealous of him. He was tricked into believing that he had sinned and he allowed himself to be drug into hell where the Devil tormented him, blinded him and worse, was the loss of God’s love. In that moment was born a fascination for angels. Not because of their power, but because of their blind faith. They were created without free will. Created with no choice but to love and obey a God who may or may not love them in return. I wrote ‘Fallen Angel’ in six days, a reflection of myself I wasn’t even fully aware of at that time. (Download a copy of Fallen Angel) Two months later I was facing separation from my husband that led to a divorce. Gideon and the plight of the ever obedient angel, the celestial slave was set aside.

Fast forward 10 years to 2011. I had an idea for a story called Angel’s Gate. This was my original story idea:

“Church sheltering angels as they do their divine work on earth. Micah is an angel of death and treated like a lesser being by the humans in comparison to his angel companions who are angels of life and good. He begins to think humans are beyond help since he spends his time taking the lives of those in the worst parts of town. He sees murder, rape, starvation, drug over doses. All the worst in humans. He doesn’t see the good, feel the good and the darkness starts to invade him as well. Then he meets this child a young girl who is left in the care of the church. She does not treat him with fear, she does not know he is the angel of death, but thinks him a nice man. They talk and he sees there is innocence and good still in the world. Then he is given the vision of her death at the hands of a child molester/serial killer and instead of accepting this is her fate, he stands against her death and becomes her guardian as well. God is pleased that he has finally learned to love the humans, to care what happens to them, and not just do his job. But to be a part of the world with them.”

I started writing the original draft of Angel’s Gate in November 2011 for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). The story came to life and in the end was NOTHING like the above idea, aside from that it was about angels serving here on earth. It was about blind obedience and sacrifice. I finished it in 30 days, finishing just at the end of November 30th. I was happy with it, but it was different from everything I had written before, there was a shadow to this story, a touch of grief. A reflection on my life at that time. I finished it, set it aside and thought no more of it. A few years later I toyed with the idea of writing a sequel to it, about one of the secondary characters, Samuel, a Guardian Angel. Nothing came of this and nothing came of the original inspiration either. Life got in the way and I forgot all about angels and demons had yet to sneak into my imagination. Instead I wrote about Zombies, the end of days & Armageddon in many forms. I wrote some intricate fantasies and Angel’s Gate was forgotten.

In 2016 my life as I knew it came to an end. Everything I knew was stripped away and I went away for almost an entire year. (It’s a long story and one day I’ll tell you all about it.) During that year it was as if I had rediscovered my writing. I wrote two books, neither about angels, both contemporary action stories, thrillers with lots of gunfire. But they sparked my passion and love for writing. I was introduced to the works and words of some amazing writers; JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and many, MANY others. I read voraciously, wrote obsessively and met a demon. His name was Dance. And he wasn’t evil. Suddenly I began to think of what it was to be a demon, born of darkness, having no choice of fate or destiny, branded evil for nothing more than being a demon. This demon Dance was hunted like the rest of his kind and I was introduced to the Keepers of the Faith. These religious zealots had made it their life’s mission to destroy all demons. They knew nothing about demons, only that they were formed of darkness.

The more I learned of Dance’s world, the more I discovered an entire universe filled with not only Demons but angels, who looked down upon demons, because they were born of the darkness. I met Errant, Dance’s grandfather and guardian. And through Errant I met the first of all angels, Talis and Lucifer. From them I learned about heaven, discovered the Gate and realized that all of this was the continuation of the story I had written almost five years before.

Like one possessed I crafted this world, but it wasn’t like I was the one creating, more that I was discovering a world that had existed and was just waiting for me. The next thing I knew I was writing the sequel to Angel’s Gate, Guardian Angel and expanding a world into something I had never imagined. January 1, 2017 I began Guardian Angel, in a place without access to my notes or original draft and Samuel became Gideon. My heroine, Casey, became AG (for Angel’s Gate heroine, because I couldn’t remember her name for the life of me) and the name stuck. This incarnation was stronger and Casey no longer fit. I wrote the first draft of Guardian Angel in 34 days. 136K words in a little over a month. I wrote as if I was transcribing a story already written. I’ve never written a book with more ease. It was all there. The world grew and what started with a 4K word short story in 2011 and was re-inspired by a Daemos teenager became the beginning of the ShadowGate series.

When I returned home in April 2017 I immediately pulled Angel’s Gate out of mothballs and rewrote it. It took me a little over a year to do the complete rewrite. Now I am doing the final polish as I work on the cover art and setting up a publication schedule for it.

Guardian Angel is scheduled to start the editing/drafting process early next year while I currently am typing away like a fiend on book three Angel Child. I’m exciting to see what happens as Angel Child has hit the halfway mark and is heading toward the last leg of the first draft.

However, the thing I am really REALLY excited about it book 4, Sanctuary. In this story I will finally be tackling the original story idea for Angel’s Gate, about Micah, a Guardian Angel here on earth that is beginning to lose his faith. I’m excited to hear his story and VERY excited to share it with you.

So there you have it, the story of how I came up with the ShadowGate series, where it all began. One day I’ll share my ‘Bible’ with you, the book with all my notes, all my plots and all my character profiles.

Until then,


Profile – Father Patrick O’Hare

Image by tiganum from Pixabay

Species: Human/Auctarii

Age: 45

Sex: male

Height: 6′

Hair: Thick and dark brown, temples beginning to gray

Eyes: Kind blue eyes



“He was a tall man, with high cheek bones and that wide mouth she remembered so fondly smiling at he in that slightly crooked way of his. He was as Irish looking as a Catholic priest should be, though his hair was more brown than ginger and beginning to gray liberally at the temples. He was still lean and fit, with wide hands and kind blue eyes.” – Angel’s Gate


  • keeper of the Sanctuary
  • loved AG’s mom but denied himself for his lineage and duty.
  • He was like a father to AG. He was the rock of her mother’s life and Anna’s dearest friend.
  • Clears his throat when he is nervous and needs a minute to collect his thoughts.
  • His car is an SUV

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved…

Profile: Paladin

Image by 13smok from Pixabay

Name: Paladin

Species: Power

Age: looks 35

Height: 6’3

Hair: rich tawny, rich brown hair, shaggy with red highlights

Eyes: light golden brown eyes, either warm, or flat and cold

Description: ripped, ruggedly powerful, full yet well trimmed beard rich brown, wicked scar across to his throat from it being slashed by a a Celestial Weapon in the 1st War. Was saved by Mordecai’s Illumination before he could bleed out. Wounded by Sandalphon who was his leader and turned on him and attacked. Now enemies. Spends most all his time in the Verge. Scarred hands. Black wings.

“His scar (was) like a wicked smile slashed across his throat.” – Guardian Angel


  • loyal, noble, brave, dedicated, serious, devoted, duty-bound, fierce.
  • Gravelly hoarse voice from having his throat cut.
  • He is the leader of the Powers.
  • Paladin is one of the first angels god created
  • When Sandalphon slashes his throat he would have died had Mordecai not saved him with his Dark Illumination. Sandalphon was his leader who turned on him and betrayed him. They are now mortal enemies.
  • Spends all his time in the Verge. He is too impure to enter the Citadel.

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved…