The Elohim – Watchers of the World

Image by Lars_Nissen_Photoart from Pixabay

Also known as the Dread Lords of the Shadows, the Watchers, the Lords of Outer Space, the Mighty Ones. These ageless, timeless, immortal beings are the direct conduit of the Source. They are all powerful servants of the Divine, tasked to watch over the Realms. They have been spoken of in ancient myths and religions since the dawn of time. In the Hebrew Bible they are known as the Elohim, the sons of God. “They were the mighty ones of Eternity, the people of Shem.” – (Genesis 6:4 & 6:22). They are the direct conduits to the Source and they oversee the entirety of the Universe. They are almost all powerful and guard the portals to other realms while enforcing the Tennents.

Rarely do they concern themselves with the fate of man, though throughout history one or more have chosen to walk the earth in human skin. In mortal form they appear as young and beautiful men and women in their early 20’s. Elohim have no known beginning or end. They do not age and can only be killed by the Source. When an Elohim dies their energy returns to the Source. Not gone, but no longer their own individual being.

They can be bound and turned mortal by the Spiral Spell. The spell leaves a spiral scar over the heart. Or they can be Caged, but only if all the Elohim work together to Cage one of their own. Their blood is like molten gold – like the gods in ancient Greek mythology

Elohim have no single leader but work as a group, though they do at times acquiesce to a specific leader, like they did to Ezrael.

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