The Choirs of Angels

There are 9 levels of Heavenly hosts. The Choirs in descending order:

The 1st and highest order of Angels is the Seraphim. Angel of love, of Light and of Fire, there is only one, the very first of all Angels, Talis, the Morning Star.

The 2nd Choir are the Cherubim, Guardians of the Fixed Stars, Keepers of the Celestial Records, Bestowers of Knowledge. Before the Fall Lucifer was the highest of the order.

The 3rd Choir are the Thrones. They represent God’s Justice to humanity. They are led by Vision, who is 2nd in command over all of Heaven.

The 4th Choir Dominions, regulate the angelic duties, they are led by the angel Hasmal.

5th Choir Virtues. These divine beings work the miracles on Earth. They are the bestowers of Grace and Valor. They work closely with the Guardians.

The 6th Choir of angels are the Powers. A warrior class of angels, also known as Dark Guardians, they are not DownCast but are unclean after millennia of bloodshed and war and are unable to enter the Citadel. They remain in the Verge fighting the Endless War. According to St. Paul they are evil and not of the Light. That they are no better than the Shade. He is wrong, without him Earth would have been lost long ago.

7th Choir the Principalities, are the protectors of religion and they serve at the feet of Metatron.

8th Choir are the Archangels, who oversee the duties of the Guardians on Earth.

9th Choir the Guardian Angels are earthbound angels who were sent to serve humanity and protect them from the DownCast and Daemos.

All but two of the Choirs, the Powers who do battle in the Verge and the Guardians who serve on Earth, dwell in the Citadel.

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