Profile – Ethan/Elijah

Species: Archangel/Shade formerly a Virtue

Height: 6’2

Hair: Dark brown, wavy

Eyes: Dark, honey brown, warm and kind

Description: Tall, fuller lips, strong lean face, handsome

“He was tall, about Gideon’s height, but slender, with an air of command and an aloofness that told her he was important.” – Angel’s Gate

“She knew him then, this faceless man who spoke to her. She knew him, by his voice and by his words. This was her father, the DownCast angel Ethan. She turned slowly and she could see him. He wasn’t light and fair like Gideon, he didn’t have the blonde hair and blue eyes so many imagined when they thought of angels. She didn’t know what she had expected to see, maybe horns, maybe some dark stereotype of a villain. She hadn’t expected to see so much of herself in him. Her height came from him, the dusky gold tone of her skin. She had his lips, though fuller, more feminine. She saw herself in him and she wasn’t sure how that made her feel.

He was handsome and she saw how her mother could have been attracted to him. The eyes were a deep, honey brown, warm and kind, his voice deep, soothing. His hair was as dark as her own, waving back from a strong, lean face. He wasn’t a monster, he wasn’t a demon. She just saw a man. A man a part of her longed desperately to love.” – Angel’s Gate

“His smile was quick, his eyes a very light green.” – Angel’s Gate


  • an Archangel
  • a Shade
  • Deep and soothing voice

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