Chapter Four

Chapter four is finally done!

I hate to admit it, but this rewrite is taking me a little longer than I’d like.  I’ve been having a little trouble getting myself into my hero’s head.  I know him, I mean, I wrote the first draft of him, but for a few weeks now he’s been eluding me.

Getting the essence of Mordecai should be easy, I mean he’s a simple guy.  He’s a very direct angel.  Good is good, evil is evil.  He’s got a job to do and nothing going to stop him.  And that’s the problem.  He IS a simple guy.  He’s got a purpose and he’s not beating himself up about his job or his place in the universe.  So it’s hard to explain how inside of him, underneath duty and the reason he was made, is a small sorrow because he’s forever kept from his home.  A little sadness inside because there’s no going back to what once was.

And I think that’s what was so hard for me to get into his head, because for a while I thought AG was the only one going through this.  That she was the only one who felt that her life was being taken away.  But Mordecai’s already lost his past life, he’s on the other side, not going into the loss, but living in the loss.  And that’s where I was having the struggle, to understand where he was.

And he’s not the most loquacious dude, I mean, he’s not long on words, so getting him to show me what he was feeling has been like pulling teeth.  But I think I’m finally getting there.

“An angel with dark eyes watched the waiting horde of Forgotten, sweat and blood mingling as they ran down his face.  A dark warrior, with dark eyes and bloodied wings, he stood ready to lead, ready to die. His hair was black like his wings, tousled and spiked with blood and sweat.  His armor was bloodied as well, even the small linked plates that encased the base of his wings and their curving edges was stained.  Dark and rusty, old blood, his blood.

Mordecai moved through the ranks, watching, listening, waiting as he, like all his brethren, stood waiting for the war they all knew would come.  A war that would rage until the power of the Key was passed and the Gate renewed or until the last Power fell and the Forgotten gained their freedom at last.  It was an endless cycle, a continuous pattern that made up existence in that long abandoned place.  A Key would fall, another would be born and in the passing of the power the Forgotten would fight for their escape.” – Excerpt Chapter Four – Angel’s Gate

And FINALLY Chapter Four is done and we’re moving into Chapter Five.  Time to throw in a little violence, some hand to hand combat just to spice things up.

Well, until next time,


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